Further information about materials


Small reclaimed cast iron wheels

Outdoor pieces made with reclaimed cast iron wheels, most of which are either from old chicken sheds (or similar) or from old trolleys. A number of them came with cracked spokes, so we have removed the broken parts to leave a solid piece which will sit happily for many years in your garden. 

All of the wheels are set onto a heavy piece of untreated hardwood sleeper, which has been thoroughly jetwashed to remove years of dirt and to reveal the beauty of the wood. The wood mounting makes the wheels very stable and durable.

Details of wheel sizes, prices and reference numbers are given on each picture as there are a number of different types. 


Cambridge Roller wheels

A Cambridge roller set consists of a number of these cast iron rings mounted on an axle and they were originally used to break up heavy soil. They vary in size and features, some being easier to get hold of than others.

We currently have three different types: 3 spoke, 4 spoke and 5 spoke. Some of them (particularly the 4 spoke) came with cracked spokes, so we have removed the broken parts to leave a solid piece which will sit happily for many years in your garden. 

All of the wheels are set onto a heavy piece of untreated hardwood sleeper, which has been thoroughly jetwashed to remove years of dirt and to reveal the beauty of the wood. The wood mounting makes the wheels very stable and durable.

The 3 spoke wheels have a particularly nice curve to the front of the spoke and measure approx 38cm across the glass area. In general if we glass all three spaces (3/3) these will be £350, 2/3 glazed are £320.

The 4 spoke wheels are approx 42cm, are glazed 3/4 (either in 2 or 3 pieces) and are £295. 

The 5 spoke wheels are 55cm across, 3/5 glazed is £375, 4/5 is £425 and 5/5 is £475. 

Previous work - all sold

Pictures set in oak frames


Due to the current popularity of oak, we are no longer able to guarantee a supply of suitable, stable reclaimed oak for our pictures. We have therefore decided to use the "next best" option of using a local supplier for new, kiln dried oak (advantages - guaranteed bug free due to kiln drying and very stable in changes of temperature).